Friday, December 30, 2011

Here's Your Christmas Card!

Well, it's New Year's Eve eve, so it's the perfect time to get my Christmas card together! Better late than never, right?

Here is what has been happening in the Kilmer house during 2011.

Highlights of the year:
EVE THE PUPPY: This January we welcomed a very sweet, special puppy into our home. Eve, named after my mother who did NOT want me to get a dog, has turned out to be the best puppy that we could have ever asked for. She plays very well with each one of the kids, cuddles up with me and watches TV with Keith. She is one smart puppy dog and loves to be outside. Poor thing! She really should be with a family that hunts, camps and lives in the woods, but she has us instead. We love our Evie!

GFCF MENU FOR FIVE: In May our whole family went on a Gluten Free Casein Free diet. We did this because a geneticist who sees Clay and Kylie thought that they may have intolerance to these two proteins. McKenzie also had stomach cramping after meals. McKenzie was the first to feel better on the new diet. Then we noticed significant behavioral changes in Kylie. Clay's eczema has completely cleared up. I feel better when I do not eat gluten and can tell that it affects me when I do. So we have adopted this "diet" to be less of a diet and more of a lifestyle. Once you have gotten use to preparing the GFCF meals, you realize that it is not all that bad! I am so thankful for all of my friends and family who have supported us with this major life change.

Now for individual family members:

KEITH, THE ETERNAL MAVERICK FAN: The highlight of Keith's year happened in June when the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA Championship. He has literally watched repeats of the Finals so many times that I have lost count. I mean, he watched the Finals series as recently as last week! Keith has actually had a great year, with the MAVS win being the icing on the cake. He is very excited about the work God is accomplishing through our church family. He loves being the preaching minister at Robinson Avenue. He is a part of an amazing staff and we are blessed to be a part of such an amazing church family. He has also enjoyed this year as it is the last year in his 30's. Keith turns 40 this coming February. So if anyone wants to celebrate a very dark, morbid Super Bowl weekend with us in 2012, feel free to come on over and have a piece of GFCF cake!

MICHELE CAN"T STOP: Recently Keith and I watch a documentary called "Conan O'Brien Can't Stop". As I watched it, I thought to myself "Man, I understand how he feels!" This year has brought about new challenges with their ups and downs, and, glory be to God, He has been faithful and gracious in His provision in my life.many things have happened to me this year. For one, I changed jobs. God provided an amazing job for me that is right down the street and is at the place where I have always wanted to be. I love working in pediatric pulmonolgy, and am so grateful to work with such amazing people. I am also so proud to be a part of the women's ministry at Robinson Avenue. Women's PowerWALK Wednesday night is an amazing ministry, and I work alongside some Godly, Spirit-filled women who I admire greatly. I love worshipping with the WALKers every Wednesday night. I mean it when I say that I feel close to each and every one of them. I can't wait to see what God has planned for WPW next year! Also, I have been able to be in the kitchen a lot this year, mostly thanks to the GFCF diet. I love cooking. If I had just a little more time, I would open a GFCF bakery. I have thoroughly enjoyed trying out new recipes and making new family favorites. And I have a new love: pinterest. I love trying out new crafts and learning new things that I can create. I find a great sense of accomplishment in making things, whether it be a cute cupcake or wall art. Finally, I find that I have grown to love and appreciate the Lord more this year. I am so grateful to Him for His grace, love and mercy that He constantly bestows on all of us. May I see Him even more clearly and know Him even better in 2012!

CLAY, ASPIE ON THE EARTH, AN EMERGING SON IN THE HEAVENS: Clay was officially diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome on April 25th. While we were not surprised at all, in fact, we were a little relieved, that diagnosis set our little family on a completely different path than we expected. Clay has done amazingly well with all of the testing that he has had to undergo this year. He has embraced his autism as a part of who he is, but it does not define him. What does define him occurred in March when he was baptized into Christ Jesus. Our precious baby is now a baby Christian. But he is no ordinary baby. His autism allows him to understand some of God's truths in ways that most of us do not. God has blessed Clay with a deep sense of spiritual purpose, which I believe helps him as he is coping with some of the difficult aspects of autism. Keith and I are so proud of him and thankful for the Godly lessons that we have learned from him.

MCKENZIE THE KIND FASHIONISTA: Our middle baby is growing up. Don't worry, though, she is not in her big brother's shadow. Quite the contrary! McKenzie knows more people at her school and in our church than I think is normal for a 3rd grader. She continues to have the same kind, gentle spirit that she had as a toddler, but now she has added some "flare" to her attitude. She loves the bling! Jewelry, hair fashion, pedicures (that I do at home, another hat that I wear), and searching the Internet for the latest style trends has become a big part of her personality. She has also developed into quite an artist! This has actually been a little surprise to me, as Clay was always artistic, but McKenzie has developed quite an arsenal of art skills. She is still beautiful and has freckles this year. She still brings me much joy and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching her mature into a fun-loving, precious young lady this year.

KYLIE THE GREAT: Of all the changes that have occurred this year, all pale in comparison to the change that has occurred in Kylie Grace! She has now tested out of PT and Speech therapy. She can sit still and play by herself, using her imagination. She has better eye-contact and communicates with us. She knows other kids by name and has lots of friends. She is adored by so many people. Her personality is outgoing and infectious. She is still adventurous and, yes, a little bit dangerous, but you can't help but smile when she is in the room. She likes everything from dinosaurs and trucks to Peppa Pig and Tinker Bell. She still has some progress to make, but we are so grateful for what God has done this year to improve her health. And thankful for all of the health care professionals who have dedicated themselves to her and are just as proud of her as we are.

I could go on and on about the blessings that God has given us this year. I can't name them all, but I am so grateful to Him for each and every one of them. May He continue to reveal Himself to and through us in the upcoming year!

Grace and peace, and much love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi i’m Heather! I have a question for you! Please email me :)
