Friday, March 16, 2012

That's My Boy!

Clay had this story to tell me when I picked him up from school on Tuesday. It is one of the highlights of my life. I have enjoyed sharing this story to every one who has ears. So I hope you enjoy it and appreciate life with an Aspie as much as we do!

Here's the conversation:
Clay: "Mom, I forgot to take my lunch to school today, so I had to have gluten and caseine."
Me: "That's OK, son. A boy's gotta eat."
Clay: "Yes, but I had a cheeseburger and an ice cream sandwich, because, well, you know, I figured if I was going to cheat, then I might as well cheat big time!"
Me: "I would have done the same."
Clay:" And Mom, while I was eating, I noticed this girl who was sitting by herself. Her head was in her hands. She was obviously upset. So I got up, and I went over to her, and I leaned forward, and I said very gently and very softly.....'Are you going to eat your ice cream sandwich?"
Girl: "No."
Clay:"Well, then, can I have it?"
Girl: "Fine."
Clay: "Is something wrong? You look upset."
Girl: "I'm FINE!"
Clay: "Ok, then! Thanks for the sandwich!"

I have laughed nonstop this week over that story. I am so glad that he very gently and very softly leaned forward to ask the upset girl if he could eat her food. What great manners this little man has!

That's my son!

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